Thursday, May 23, 2013


Kisah ni belaku a couple of years back, when my son was about 8 or 9 yrs old..(tapi ia masih segar diingatan saya). We had just finished our dinner at 101 Premier, and on our way back to the car, we stopped by at a CD shop. Kita orang masing2 sibuk melihat cd2 kat situ. Kedai ni ada satu lagi entrance didalam yang bersambung dengan kedai sebelah, pun jual cd juga. Sedang saya leka membelek cd2, jalan punya jalan terus masuk ke kedai sebelah... tiba2 hubby datang tergesa2 tanya 'Mana Waven?'(ni nick dia) Aiii..kan tadi ada kat situ (dlm kedai cd)? Hubby: Habis tu dari mana dia tepon saya...dia baru tepon kata cari kita orang, tapi line terputus pula.

Panik kejap...cuba cari disekeliling kedai tu..tapi tak jumpa pula...Tuhan saja tahu bagaimana perasan saya ketika  itu..rasa mau nanggis tapi tetap control ayu (ayu ke!). Tiba2 tepon hubby berdering son kata dia tengah cari kita orang di tempat pakir kereta. So saya, hubby and my daughter terus meluru ke tempat pakir yang agak jauh juga dari kedai CD ...area tu pula agak gelap gelita, tak ada street lighting. Kami back trek jalan yang kami lalui semasa datang tadi. Tiba2 ternampak kelibat bayangan my son dari jauh.. sedang berjalan menuju ke arah kami couple berjalan beriringan dengan dia. Pasangan ni tersenyum2 apabila melihat kami. Hubby terkejut kerana dia kenal lelaki tu...kawan dia, sama ofis...Laaa!!!  Lalu kawan dia pun bercerita, mereka suami isteri, terjumpa budak ni berjalan seorang diri dan budak tu telah menghampiri dia untuk meminjam tepon kerana hendak mencari daddy dia. Dia tak sangka pula budak tu anak kami. What a blessed coincidence...!!! Ni bukan cerita novel ya...yang selalu ada banyak coincident tu...tapi kisah benar...hihihi...Lucu pun ada....!

Tak tahu macam mana nak cakap, memang lega sangat2, tapi degupan jantung saya masih kencang...  My son pun nampak pucat, I peluk dia kuat2....OMG I can't imagained what would happen if there's no Almighty Intervention. Setelah mengucapkan terima kasih kepada si-penyelamat tadi, kami pun terus beredar dari situ...kaki tangan saya masih menggeletar dek kerana peristiwa itu.

My son related to us his side of the story, while he was in the CD shop he suddenly realised that we were not beside him anymore (actually we were in the CD shop next door). He was not aware that there's another entrance inside the first CD shop...and he assumed that we had left for the car so he walked out of the shop and headed towards the car park. But when he reached the car he did not see us there either so I guess dia panik, not knowing where we were. But he's a smart boy..(God bless him).. he approached this kind couple and asked to borrow their hp. Thank God, dalam keadaan panik dia masih ingat nombor tpon daddy dia.

Ever since they were old enough to understand instructions, I've always taught them what they should do in case they got lost when we were out. Kita orang selalu juga pergi melancong so tiap kali kita keluar jalan2 saya akan tulis number tepon kami di kertas dan masukkan ke dalam poket baju diaorang dan ajar mereka what to do incase of emergency, tu masa dia orang masih kecik ..dan apabila dah besar sikit mereka dah pandai hafal nombor dan tahu apa yang harus mereka lakukan dimasa kecemasan. And this was one of that time.

when he was 3 or 4 yrs old..

Friday, May 17, 2013


Saja nak share apa yang ditulis oleh seorang bekas anak murid kepada my dear late grandfather. Keratan ini saya ambik dari surat khabar The Borneo Post bertarik 16 May 2013. Cuba lihat tarik masa dia darjah 6...tahun 1952..sekarang 2013..that was 61 years ago...and can you imagined this former student Mr Nathan Ha... after 61 yrs masih boleh ingat the little details about his former teacher? Amazing kan???  It shows that students dulu2 lebih hormat dan sayang sangat2 cikgu2 mereka sampai berpuluh tahun pun masih ingat akan jasa2 yang telah dicurahkan guru2 kepada mereka.

Sekarang ni !!!...Cikgu bukan lagi nomber 1 ...malah ada yang kena keji, hina dan ada juga yang kena saman oleh ibubapa budak2.  Tapi bukanlah bermaksud semua guru2 sekarang bermasaalah....Dek kerana dua tiga biji apple yang busuk semua yang lain kena tempias. Ramai lagi guru yang berdedikasi dan ikhlas mendidik anak bangsa...itu tidak dapat dinafikan. So Cikgu2 diluar sana teruskanlah perjuangan mu.

Selamat Hari Guru kepada semua Cikgu2 yang sedang berkhidmat dan yang telah bersara. Jasa mu tetap dikenang.

Monday, May 13, 2013


Happy Mother's Day to all mothers...Sori belated...semalam tak sempat nak berblog..tak pa setiap hari ialah hari ibu kan !!..

Yesterday evening kita orang pegi musical performance yang diadakan di my kids music school..musical evening memang selalu diadakan untuk mencungkil bakat budak2 yang belajar di situ. So this time round my two kids were selected to perform kerana dia orang telah mendapat distinction semasa ujian piano baru2 ni.

Kita orang semua excited...budak2 tu pula dikehendeki menulis short speech untuk ibu2 mereka...yang lucunya my son nervous giler..hairan juga, selalunya budak yang hyperactive tak tahu malu...kat rumah suara dialah yang selalu memekak...

Sampai masa dia orang bagi speech..hahaha....boleh dikatakan hampir kesemua mereka nampak nervous dan lupa speech yang diaorang tulis...tapi nasib baiklah my two kids tu managed to get through walaupun tak complete seperti apa yang dirancangkan sebelumnya. And there's this one girl.. sampai nangis sebab too emotional dan terlupa apa yang hendak diluahkan kepada ibu beliau. Agaknya kesemua performers tu first timer on stage sebab tu mereka gelabah.

Before each and every performance juruacara akan memperkenalkan mereka dan memberi comment  seperti apa yang cikgu mereka tulis tentang diaorang...I was surprise to hear what was writen about my son...antaranya ialah - he's a deligent boy and always scored high marks in his exam....I was liked.. Hahhh!...kalau melihat gelagat dia kat rumah...prrrrff....memang jauh berbeza .....

My daughter was quite impressive too...she finally managed to achieve her target...tengok adik dia score dia pun tak nak kalah...You go girl!

I'm so proud of my little angles....they are my real blessing.

Hissh...kacaulah pala tut tu, ada je interfram....tak sempat edit..

Selesai event tu kita singgah di Pizza hut, Plaza Merdeka....

Balik rumah ada surprise untuk daughter bagi sebuah buku son pula bagi hand & body lotion..(tu saja yang dia mampu..hihihi...)...its okey sayang...mummy still love you both very,very much.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013


Woke up this morning to a dry tap.....but luckily we had a pail that has been collecting dripping water from our leaking pipe....just enough for us to wash our faces and brush our teeth....So no bath for the time being...

I'm wondering what happened...did the main pipe burst or someone switched it off in retaliation..gurau je!!(orang2 Kuching fahamkan!!..)

The sink is piling up with unwashed dishes since this morning and the laundry....Oh goshhh....and we have been taking water for granted all the while....!!!.

This water BLACKOUT (bloeh pakai ke perkataan ni??....ia sangat2 popular di FB buat masa sekarang!!) did happened a few months back but it was restored within a few hours so not much harm was done....

Hopefully this time round it will be the same ....

But now.... at the time of writing its almost 11am and there's still no sign or sound of the gushing water coming out of my tap yet...

Monday, May 6, 2013


Sunday 5th May 2013 was an important day for Malaysian...Yup... Voting Day....

Woke up early as the alarm was set at 5 am...when it rang I jumped out of bed....prepared a light breakfast, then woke up the kids....

By 6.30am we were on our way to balik kampung after picking up my sister-in-law who needed a ride back although she won't be casting her vote there....

As it was still early morning there were not much traffic on the hb was on a 100 km p/h and we reached our destination 2 hrs later after a brief stop over in Serian.

After dropping the kids and stuff at my in-law's place.. I followed hb to the polling station which is about 5 mins drive away but opted to sit in the car while waiting for him.

The crowd was increasing by the minute and the queue was getting longer....and I sat in the car waiting and waiting for more than.... an hour.

It was about 10am when hb came out of the polling station...we drove back to my in-law's house where we cooked lunch and by the time we finished our makan and cleared the plates it was almost 12 noon...

Packed our things...thought of taking a bath...but nayy it was too time consuming as we were rushing back to another polling turn.

Started our journey at about 1.15 pm.....thank God the weather was fine although along the way there was some light shower....

Reached the polling station Chung Hua School No 5 at about 3 crowd so it was smooth sailing for me...walked in ...did my duty and walked out again within minutes...

Hb was surprised   " are fast" Yapp..I'm done..this is town area....memanglah fast not like yours...(remember I waited for him for more than an hour earlier on!)

So duty we were off to Gaint to stock up on our weekly always!

We waited anxiously for the results infront of the TV that night. Luckily most of the Sarawak results came out early so we don't have to wait that long.

This morning when I opened up my FB, my wall was still full of link and what not about the election results, commend, condemn and all the shits...I'm tired and fed-up with all these bickering, results are out so lets get on with our life...Who ever governs the will still go on. So I just unfriend this goon...abis cerita!

* I took a few pics at the kampung polling station but when I tried to upload it I accidentally deleted the whole lot. Gerrrrammm....

Thursday, May 2, 2013

# DEMAM 505.....

Rainbow intepretasi oleh by son...

Semenjak dua menjak ni warga Malaysia tengah dilanda demam teruk...demam pilihanraya..!!

Hari2 migraine...buka suratkhabar tak da cerita lain..

Cuba drive di sepanjang jalan ...Sakit mata melihat benda2 yang tergantung dan terpampang...udahlah menghalang permandangan semasa memandu...(bukan old skool ke style ni??...orang kalau dah set dalam minda tu siapa yang mereka sokong...walau berapa banyak billboard, kain rentang ataupun bendera yang digantung di sesuatu tempat ia tidak akan mengubah fikiran mereka, kan.. kan? ..buat menyemak ja dan membazir RM)

Bukak internet ka... FB ka ...Blog ka.....sakit hati dan mata melihat apa yang fanatik2 ni tulis...

Tonton TV... sama juga tak ada topik lain...

Fanatic2 ni berantam semasa sendiri....ingin menegakan ideologi masing2...

Keluar bermacam slogan... ada yang sangat melucukan...tak masuk akal langsung!

I feel sad for those people...fighting over power tapi disgusie dengan religion...

Mencarut sana sini.....memfitnah....maki-hamun....u name it they did it....segala macam taktik kotor diguna pakai hanya untuk berebut kuasa dunia....Sangat2 Dirty politik..

Can't wait for all this to be over... Come May 5th.... hopefully it will be over....Hmmmmm...You think so?