Tuesday, August 16, 2011


It has been a long time since I last wrote in this blog. The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak.

As the title implies time is really changing for our family, for the better I hope. Since I got married years ago most of my life I have been pampered. Even when the kids started school most of the chauffeuring to and fro schools had been done by my sayang, except when he's at work. I don't have to brave through the traffic jam at peak hours. But now since my sayang have to be away on travelling most of the time I have to take over the job. Its tough but dear Lord give me the strenght. I used to dread driving during peak hours when there will be messive traffic jam but now I don't have any choice.

Another thing is sayang has never been away from me for more than 2 days even then I always felt so alone and missed him a lot. The 1st time he was away for more than 1 week was about 2 weeks ago and you can imagined how much alone I felt not mentioning about missing him. All those new changes started when he was promoted. It was a blessing for he has been hoping for a job change which was long overdue. But for every success story there must be a sacrifice.

The kids missed him so much cos without him around the house seem pretty quiet.This week he is away again for another week. Well, I have to get used to the changes that is coming our ways. And I pray to God that he will always be with us where ever we are.

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