Thursday, September 6, 2012


September is birthday month in our family. We had just celebrated 2 birthdays this week. On  the 3rd was mother's 77th birthday and on the 5th was my grandnephew's.  I can still remember last year  when we celebrated mother's birthday, my nephew's wife was heavily pregnant and was just waiting to deliver but she still make it to the dinner. And this year, here we are celebrating my little grandnephew's 1st birthday, but sad to say, the one closest to him was not around.

There's a few more birthdays coming up within these few weeks but they might not celebrate it in a big way but just with their own family. So Happy Birthday to all....May God bless you with long life and ever lasting happiness.

Before I forget, on 1st September 2012, my niece has just given birth to a beautiful baby girl, her 2nd daughter....the latest addition to our family. Congrats dear...

Mother's birthday cake

My grandnephew's birthday cake


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